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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Barriers and facilitators to influenza vaccination and vaccine …

Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for health care personnel (HCP). The authors describe …

The expected emotional benefits of influenza vaccination strongly …

The relative importance of different attitudes in predicting vaccination among healthcare personnel …

Implementation of a Health Management Mentoring Program: Year-1 …

Avante Zambézia is an initiative of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Friends in Global Health, …

Disparities in mobile phone access and maternal health service …

Mobile communication technologies may reduce maternal health disparities related to cost, distance, …

On-the-Job: What to Expect and How to Succeed

The authors discuss ways that survey researchers can learn on the job and ways that managers, …

Training Needs in Survey Research Methods: An Overview

There is a wonderful challenge facing the field of survey methodology. With high demand for …

Future Training of Survey Methodologists

This article in the special issue on survey training outlines the future of survey methodology …

Training for the Modern Survey Statistician

This paper presents the outline of technical skills that a modern survey methodologist needs to be …

Clinical effectiveness and cost savings in diabetes care, supported by …

Abt's Ian Bruenig co-authored this article that looks at the effectiveness and cost savings of a …

Using Predicted Therapy Visits in the Medicare Home Health Prospective …

A criticism of Medicare’s home health prospective payment system is its partial reliance on …

Barriers to Modern Contraceptive Use in Kinshasa, DRC

Recent research from Kinshasa, DRC, has shown that only one in five married women uses modern …

Co-producing Actionable Science for Water Utilities

Abt's Jason Vogel co-authored this article which explores the efforts of four water utilities to …