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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Hydrologic Alterations from Climate Change Inform Assessment of …

This article documents the findings of a study conducted via the development of an integrated …

Dreaming the Impossible Dream: Low-Income Families and Their Hopes for …

This article considers how some individuals and families who are low income think and dream about …

Design and Methods of the National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study

The National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study (NVVLS) is the second assessment of a …

Viral-load point-of-care technologies to achieve an AIDS-free …

The article covers the effectiveness of viral-load point-of-care (POC) technology, which promises to …

Key Principles to Accelerate Progress in Noncommunicable Disease Care …

Recognizing the need for greater attention worldwide to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as …

Explaining the Impact of USDA's Healthy Incentives Pilot on Different …

This article reports spending results for the USDA's Healthy Incentives Pilot (HIP), which tested a …

Developing Internationally Engaged Scientists and Engineers: The …

This article describes findings from an evaluation of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) …

Design Parameters for Impact Research in Science Education

The Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development were created as a joint effort between …

Do Nighttime Driving Restrictions Reduce Criminal Participation Among …

To date, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have a three-stage Graduated Driver Licensing …

Characteristics of Hospice Programs With Problematic Live Discharges

Little is known about how hospice live discharges vary by hospice providers' tax status and chain …

Total Medicare Payments Related to Hospice and Non-Hospice Services …

The Medicare Hospice Benefit covers end-of-life care and symptom management for beneficiaries' …

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impacts on Salt Marsh Fiddler Crabs (Uca …

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the largest marine oil spill in US waters to date and one of the …