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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Immunization and the Role of the Private Sector: Benin

Abt’s analysis of the role of the private sector in Benin’s immunization services reveals that 8 …

Immunization and the Role of the Private Sector: Malawi

Abt’s analysis of the role of the private sector in Malawi’s provision of immunization services …

Immunization and the Role of the Private Sector: Georgia

Abt’s analysis of the role of the private sector in Georgia’s immunization services reveals an …

Investing Wisely to Improve Child Survival: Ethiopia’s Immunization …

An analysis of Ethiopia’s immunization spending reveals that despite significant progress in …

Phases of Social Marketing: Building the Sustainability of …

This primer is intended to help health officers employed with the United States Agency for …

Advocating for Social Marketing Programs to Local Stakeholders

Social marketing is effective in increasing the use of health commodities by target populations, and …

The Private Sector: Key to Reaching Young People with Contraception

As family planning stakeholders look to increase the use of modern contraceptive methods among young …

Female Sexual Partners of Male Injection Drug Users in Vietnam have …

Vietnam's HIV epidemic is driven by injection drug use but most IDUs are also sexually active. IDUs; …

Population-Level Decline in BMI and Blood Pressure Following Mass HIV …

Clinic-based cohort studies have found that antiretroviral therapy (ART) leads to an increase in …