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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Malaria Vector Species Composition and Entomological Indices Following …

Vector control through long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and focal indoor residual spraying …

The Association of Nursing Home Quality Ratings and Spread of COVID-19

As of January 10, 2021, nearly all nursing homes (93.6 percent) had reported at least one case of …

LHSS Supports COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

Mary Houghton
Mary Houghton
LHSS Project Communications and Knowledge Management Senior Manager

An Update on the Distribution, Bionomics, and Insecticide …

Anopheles stephensi, an invasive malaria vector, was first detected in Djibouti nearly 10 years ago …

Homelessness & Public Health: How Can We Close the Gap? …

Abt’s Natalie Matthews and Terri Mota connect the dots between homelessness and public health and …

Beyond COVID-19: What Global Health Security Will Look L …

Eric J. Reading
Eric J. Reading
Chief Climate Officer

Implementing Harm Reduction in Non-Urban Communities Affected by …

Harm reduction services, such as overdose education and distribution of naloxone, help reduce …

Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Illness and COVID-19 Vaccination among …

Abt collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct a cross-sectional …

Addressing Racism in Preventive Services: A Methods Project for the …

The USPSTF is committed to helping reverse the negative impacts of systemic racism on health. The …

2021 Global Digital Health Forum

12/06/2021 – 12/08/2021