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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.

White Paper

Using an Expansion of the Housing Choice Voucher Program to Improve …

Forty percent of all people who experience homelessness are Black. This reflects, in part, the …
White Paper

Which Nursing Homes Are at Risk of COVID-19?

How can a predictive model help target interventions for nursing homes? In nursing homes, the …

Mortality and Risk Factors of Disease in Nepal: Trend and Projections …

This analysis of risk factors in Nepal projected noncommunicable diseases will contribute to over …

Comparison of the Immunogenicity of Cell Culture-Based and Recombinant …

Influenza causes a substantial number of illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths annually. Although …

Supporting Governments to Digitally Transform Supply Cha …

10/05/2021 9:00 am - 10:00 am EST

2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting

06/24/2023 – 06/27/2023

Breathless: Climate Change, Infectious Disease, and Indo …

To reduce greenhouse gases, we need air-tight buildings. To reduce transmission of diseases we need …
Spotlight On

Spotlight On: Solutions for Malaria, Vector-Borne Diseas …

Abt Global is the world’s largest provider of interventions to track and control malaria, protecting …

Adaptation Futures 2023

10/02/2023 – 10/06/2023