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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Study of Changamka's Maternity Savings Card: Preliminary Evaluation …

Financial barriers limit use of maternity health services in developing countries. Changamka card, …

Effects of Demand-Side Incentives on Use of Maternal Health Services

We reviewed 55 papers on demand-side financial incentives (other than CCTs) that aim to increase …

Estimating the Relationship Between Financial and Non-financial …

Researchers and policy-makers recognize that a motivated health workforce is critical to job …

Assessment of Private Providers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices …

LA/PM use remains low in many developing countries, particularly in Bangladesh, and the private …

Will My Neighbor Rebuild? Spatial Externalities of Rebuilding and …

This presentation examines the rebuilding outcomes of homeowner and small rental properties 4-5 …

Evaluation 101

"Evaluation 101" was presented to Cities of Service grantees in Washington, D.C. The presentation …

Toxic Stress and the Science of Early Childhood Development: …

In this presentation, “Toxic Stress and the Science of Early Childhood Development,” Abt Associate …

The Added Impact of Parenting Education in Early Childhood Education …

In this presentation, “The Added Impact of Parenting Education in Early Childhood Education …

Strategies for Developing Effective Community Partnerships to Support …

In her presentation, “Strategies for Developing Effective Community Partnerships to Support Career …

What Can Qualitative Software Do for My Research?

Presented at the 2013 American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting by Ilana Ron Levey …