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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Jordan Health Sector Background, Challenges, and USAID's Response

This presentation, given by Sabry Hamza, Abt Global chief of party in Jordan, explains some of the …

Rethinking External Validity and Official Systematic Reviews

Evidence reviews capture what the results of rigorous studies indicate about a program’s impacts. …

Evaluation Design for Program Improvement

This session will discuss how innovations in the evaluation designs of multifaceted interventions …

Home Health Payment Reform – The Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM)

Examined costs associated with beneficiaries who were: low-income, lived in underserved areas, had …

Using Data to Support Better Decision Making: Lessons from the Housing …

The housing choice voucher (HCV) program is HUD’s largest assisted housing program, providing …

Design and Implementation of the Family Options Study

Three-year findings from the Family Options Study, released by the U.S. Department of Housing and …

Evaluating and Improving Coordinated Entry Systems

Matt White of Abt Global moderated and spoke at a workshop on “Evaluating and Improving Coordinated …

How Cities Can Promote Equity and Inclusion by Adopting Comprehensive …

Jeffrey Lubell, director of Housing and Community Initiatives, presented “How Cities Can Promote …

From Surveys to Data Capture: New Data Collection Strategies …

Michael Link, division vice president for Data Science, Surveys, and Enabling Technologies at Abt …