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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Technology-Based Learning in States and American Job Centers

These slides, presented to the National Association of State Workforce Agencies, document findings …

Study of Enhanced College Advising in Upward Bound: Impacts on Steps …

Find the Fit advising increased the number and selectivity of colleges applied to by disadvantaged …
White Paper

Do Postsecondary Training Programs Respond to Changes in the Labor …

This paper by Abt’s Michel Grosz, Ph.D., analyzes whether postsecondary training programs have kept …

Event- and Offender-Based Recidivism Methodology Using the National …

A study by Abt Global found that the recidivism rate (rate that offenders return to prison) is about …

Investigating Variability in the Effects of Adolescent Pregnancy …

Evidence on what works for whom in the field of teen pregnancy prevention would help program …

In Maine, the Path to Housing Stability Starts with Firs …

Meghan Henry, Ph.D.
Meghan Henry, Ph.D.
Principal Associate, Housing and Asset Building

A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education

After reviewing evidence from more than 280 studies conducted in 25 countries, Abt found consistent …

Substance Use Prevention - 2018 Evaluation Report

In 2013, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation initiated a Youth Substance Use Prevention and Early …

The PACE Experience: Staff Reflections

Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE) is the first rigorous, multi-site evaluation of …

PACE: Cross-Program Implementation and Early Impact Study Findings

Most of the nine programs in a career pathways study are on track to achieving their long-term …