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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Turning the Tide: Systemic Racial Inequities and the Soc …

Abt’s Diane Paulsell and Chloe Greene discuss how data, analysis, and technical assistance can …

But What About Australian Aid in Five Years’ Time?

Graham Teskey
Graham Teskey
Principal Global Lead of Governance Practice, Abt Australia

Substance Use Screening in Pediatric Primary Care

How can pediatric clinics, community health centers, and school-based health centers identify and …

Co-Benefits to Children’s Health of the U.S. Regional Greenhouse Gas …

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a carbon trading program designed to reduce carbon …

Strengthening Partnerships: A Framework for Prenatal through Young …

When it comes to supporting the health and wellbeing of children and youth, there’s been a shift in …

Racial Bias, Data Science, and the Justice System

From pretrial detention to community supervision, Holly Swan and Sharmini Radakrishnan discuss how …

Michigan Job Search Assistance Evaluation

This report describes the implementation and impact study findings from an evaluation of the …

Developing Clinical Quality Improvement Measures Aligned With the CDC …

An Important Strategy to Support Safer Prescribing in Primary Care

High-risk and Long-term Opioid Prescribing to Military Spouses in the …

Little is known about the use and misuse of opioids by military service members’ spouses.

Patient-Centered Care: It’s Not Just a Buzzword

katherine witgert
Katharine Witgert
Principal Associate, Health & Environment

Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management’s (A …

11/11/2020 – 11/13/2020 EST

Life Cycle Assessment: C4V Lithium-Ion Battery Cells for Electric …

This study from Abt for New York State Energy Research and Development Authority assesses the …