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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


2023 NCSHA Annual Conference & Showplace

10/14/2023 – 10/17/2023
Spotlight On

Spotlight On: Homelessness and Housing Instability in Ne …

Abt draws upon years of national housing experience and expertise to design solutions tailored for …

2023 Toxics Release Inventory National Conference

10/24/2023 – 10/25/2023

3 Tips for States Considering a Medicaid and CHIP Qualit …

As we mark National Health Care Quality Week, we are reminded of the upcoming—and …

2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium

10/27/2023 – 10/28/2023

How Can State Housing Finance Agencies Improve Energy Efficiency?

State housing finance agencies (HFAs) help meet the demand for affordable housing through a variety …

The Far-Reaching Harms of Housing Unaffordability on Ren …

According to the most recent State of the Nation’s Housing report, nearly half of U.S. households …

Break the Chain: Exploring the Links Between Environment …

This podcast examines how systemic racism thrusts Black families into a cycle linking dangerous …

Troubling News on Student Performance—and What to Do Abo …

Allan Porowski
Allan Porowski
Principal Associate, Social & Economic Policy

Achieving Health Equity Takes More Than Data

The American healthcare system spends almost double per capita what Germany, our nearest health …

Using Ecometric Data to Explore Sources of Cross-Site Impact Variance …

In 2003, Bloom, Hill, and Riccio (BHR) introduced methods to explain differences in the impact of …
Spotlight On

Spotlight On: The Intersection of Climate and Housing In …

Abt Global is on the forefront of developing solutions that address climate change and housing and …