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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.

2020 Impact



Hospitalizations, ED Visits & Nursing Home Quality

One of CMS’s ongoing initiatives is to reduce the costs and improve the quality of care for nursing …

Vouchers for Maternal and Child Health Services in the Private Sector …

USAID’s Abt-led Uganda Voucher Plus Activity is implementing a mechanism for results-based financing …

Destination: Reaching Family Planning Goals through UHC

The global movement to reach universal health coverage (UHC) presents opportunities to advance …

Indonesia: Implementation Research (IR) for Universal Health Coverage …

In 2014, Indonesia launched an ambitious national health insurance program, Jaminan Kesehatan …

Using Human Centered Design and Design Thinking to Reduce Infant …

Human-centered design (HCD) and design thinking are innovative approaches to problem solving …

Understanding Stigma Associated with TB in India

Tuberculosis (TB) stigma arises from fear of infection, the belief that it causes financial ruin and …

Evaluating the MA SPOT Training Program

In 2014, the Office of the Inspector General reported that one in three skilled nursing facility …

6BBs Opioid Management

The Six Building Blocks for Improving Opioid Management (6BBs) provide an evidence-based quality …