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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Longitudinal Patterns of Military Spouse Alcohol Consumption: Findings …

Alcohol use in the military is prevalent and has short- and long-term health, safety, and career …
Feature Stories

Meet our Housing, Communities, and Asset Building Staff

Abt’s Housing, Communities, and Asset Building team continues to grow. Meet some of our …

More than Just a Moment in Time: Embracing Reconciliatio …

Helen Turner
Helen Turner
Senior Safeguarding and WHS&S Specialist

Investigating Housing Models for Accelerating PSH Production Final …

In 2019, the city of Los Angeles set aside $120 million to fund a pilot for innovative strategies to …
White Paper

Implications for Policy and Practice of New Research on an …

Abt Global recently completed an evaluation of Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) programs in Lynn and …
White Paper

Integrating SNAP E&T into Career Pathway Systems to Boost Outcomes

Career pathways help people upgrade their skills and advance to better jobs over time through a …
White Paper

Using SNAP E&T to Offer Job-Driven Training for Able-Bodied Adults …

As State ABAWD waivers expire, the clock is now ticking on a 3-month time limit—many people will …

Career Pathways Design Study Findings in Brief

The rapid rise of career pathways strategies, including an emphasis on them in the Workforce …

Career Pathways Research and Evaluation Synthesis Career Pathways …

Career pathways approaches to workforce development offer articulated education and training steps …