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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Helping Afghanistan’s Private Sector Maintain Health Pro …

In August 2021, Afghanistan’s security situation rapidly deteriorated following the Taliban forces’ …

Inflation Comes with a Big Gender Gap. Here Are Five Way …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Leadership Development & Systems Thinking in the Charter …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Five Ways to Maximize Youth Economic Inclusion and Parti …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Lessons From My Years in Private Sector Engagement for W …

Private sector health programs have been the focus of my career. As deputy director of USAID’s …

Sustainable Systems Strengthening: “There Are No Cookie …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

How to Evaluate the Quality and Cost of Cancer Care? Tea …

Physically, emotionally, and financially, cancer is tough on patients and their families. Half of …

5 Minutes with Sarah Shoemaker-Hunt on Safer Opioid Pres …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Understanding the Rise of Stimulant Use: 5 Minutes with …

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Should You Volunteer for that Pro-Bono Assignment?

In the fall of 2019, Meg Thornton, a senior analyst in Abt Global’s Atlanta office, saw an email …

Harm Reduction Programs: Effective Yet Misunderstood

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Abt Global
Bold Thinkers Driving Real-World Impact

Government-Citizen Engagement: Abt’s VOICE Solution

The need for governments at all levels to connect with citizens they serve and the means for doing …