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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


VOSViewer: A Network Mapping Tool for Analyzing Topics with a …

This brief by Abt Global discusses one of our preferred tools for processing large amounts of …

Building a 21st Century Road Map to Child Welfare Transformation – …

A new report, funded by Casey Family Programs, provides a roadmap for action for a child and family …

21st Century Tools for Researchers and Practitioners Using Automated …

This report is part of a series Abt Global produced for Casey Family Programs. Abt has provided a …

The Power of Digital Tools: A Community-Based Training and Tracking …

This brief by Abt Global discusses the application of digital tools to build capacity for both …

Building a 21st Century Road Map to Child Welfare Transformation - …

This report is the second in a series funded by Casey Family Programs (CFP) and executed by Abt …

New HUD Funding Addresses Three Challenges Identified by …

Lauren Dunton
Lauren Dunton
Principal Associate

The HPOG Training Opportunity: Participant Perspectives on Finding …

The Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program provided education and occupational training …

America Has More Children Living in Poverty Than Any Oth …

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, yet one in three children live in …

Climate Crisis on Main Street: How Can Local Governments …

Abt experts discuss the intersections between climate, housing, and equity, and approaches …
Spotlight On

Spotlight On: Environmental Justice Services

Abt conducts technical analyses and supports community engagement to help agencies identify and …