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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


When Compassion Calls: Addressing the Well-Being of Chil …

Anna Koehle, HS-BCP, CCTP
Anna Koehle, HS-BCP, CCTP
Senior Associate
Spotlight On

Spotlight On: Advancing the Green Economy with Inclusive …

Abt’s work advances the green economy by promoting inclusive markets that generate climate resilient …

Abt Empowers Local LGBTQIA+ Change-Makers Around the Wor …

Michael Dumlao
Michael Dumlao
Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications

2023 American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting

11/15/2023 – 11/18/2023

Why Climate Should be the Beating Heart of the U.S. Stra …

U.S. President Joe Biden has postponed his visit to Australia, where he was to join the 2023 Quad …

Civic Engagement Is Creating A More Equitable Health Sys …

Civil society was a key force behind Timor-Leste’s independence in 2002 from Portuguese colonization …

Women Deliver 2023

07/17/2023 – 07/20/2023

Challenges to Mobilizing Private Capital in a Recessiona …

07/13/2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Evaluation of the Oncology Care Model: Performance Periods 1-9

This interim report covers the first nine out of 11 total performance periods of the Centers for …

Africa Energy Forum 2023

06/20/2023 – 06/23/2023