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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Estimated impacts and net benefits of Family Self Sufficiency programs …

The summary brief and two reports below present evaluations of the impacts and net monetary benefits …

Climate Risk Management Increases Crop Yields and Streng …

During its six years, the USAID Agricultural Growth and Rural Opportunities (USAID AGRO) Activity …

Early Impacts of Compass FSS Program

These reports summarize the findings of Abt’s 2017 evaluations of impacts and net monetary benefits …
White Paper

Housing Adequacy and Health Status: A Call to Action for Mitigation …

America’s growing housing crisis has significant implications for the overall health and well-being …

Study of Enhanced College Advising in Upward Bound: Impacts on Where …

Find the Fit is a low-cost program that includes customized information about college and costs, …

Social Connectedness and Rural Health

As we mark National Rural Health Day, we can celebrate major successes like the recent and …

Tradeoffs in Habitat Value to Maximize Natural Resource Benefits From …

Coastal Louisiana contains approximately 37 percent of all estuarine herbaceous wetlands in the …

Democratizing the Development of Evidence

“Democratizing evidence” means enabling a variety of stakeholders to participate in the production …