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Our projects are game changers. They answer difficult questions and apply new technologies and rigorous technical solutions to programs that improve lives around the globe. A look at our projects offers insight into how we’re continuously asking “What if?” We discover new ways to help people move from vulnerability to security—through good health, a thriving natural environment, economic stability, effective governance and social equity.


Controlling the HIV Epidemic in Mozambique

Mozambique has the eighth highest HIV prevalence in the world, with 12.6 percent of adults living …

Strengthening Systems for Better Health in Nepal

While Nepal has successfully reduced overall mortality among mothers and children under five, there …

Eliminating Tuberculosis (TB) in Central Asia

Central Asia is a hotspot for DR-TB. TB services are outdated, unsustainable and expensive, and …

Monitoring Flu Vaccine Use in Priority Populations

Influenza is a periodic and potentially fatal illness, so it is vital to monitor the flu vaccine …

Support to the National Malaria Programme in Nigeria Pha …

Efficient resource mobilisation, allocation and utilisation are important to improve the health …

Nepal’s MEOR Program Monitors Health Outcomes

Despite its post-conflict legacy and the 2015 earthquake, Nepal continues to achieve substantial …

UK Governance Assistance in the Pacific Region

HMG wants a scoping and design exercise for a new governance programme in the Pacific to enhance …

Farm to School: A Comprehensive Review from 2010-2020

Following the 2010 reauthorization of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, the U.S. …

Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS)

Low- and middle-income countries are committed to universal health coverage (UHC) and better primary …

Evaluating the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program

To date, evidence on the effectiveness of school voucher programs is mixed. That’s why the U.S. …

Combatting Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

Ascend Lot 1 – The UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) set out to …

Reducing Early Childhood Obesity (RECO) Evaluation

Many young children are overweight or obese, which can lead to poor health outcomes later in life as …