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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Understanding the Pathways to Financial Well-Being

The National Financial Well-Being Survey Report is the second report in a series from the …

Methods and Procedures for Analyzing Qualitative Data in Health …

Chapter 16 in Research Methods in Health Promotion, 2nd Edition.Research Methods in Health …

Simulating Distributional Impacts of Macro-dynamics : Theory and …

The automated DEC poverty tables (ADePT) simulation module, one of several modules in the ADePT …

The Policy Sciences as a Transdisciplinary Approach for Policy Studies

Abt Global' Dr. Jason Vogel is the lead author on a chapter, "The Policy Sciences as a …
White Paper

What Works for Addressing the What Works Question in Field Experiments

Researchers and policy makers are increasingly dissatisfied with the “average treatment effect.” …

Influenza Vaccination among Pregnant Women: The Role of Medical …

Aim to describe vaccination coverage among pregnant women who received a provider influenza …

Improving Immunization Programming in Mozambique

An analysis of Mozambique’s 2015 immunization spending reveals that despite adequate resources and …

Conference 10/28-11/1: 2018 ASTMH Annual Meeting

10/28/2018 – 11/02/2018