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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Estimating the Health Insurance Liability for Treatment of HIV/AIDS in …

Vietnam’s HIV/AIDS response is mainly financed by external sources, with 73% of spending on HIV …

Scaling-up HIV Testing among African American & Hispanic MSM: The MSM …

The MSM Testing Initiative (MTI) looks to: Identify 3,000 previously undiagnosed HIV-infected MSM …

Costing Health and HIV services in Kenya

The study summarizes how Kenya can increase access to HIV services to achieve an AIDS Free …

Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Risk: The Role of Cover-up, Shame …

Shame and fear are associated with experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) Cover-up of IPV …

Understanding patients' health-seeking behavior across health sectors …

The presentation covers: Health-seeking behavior among PLHIV: switching The ‘HIV Pathways of …

Strengthening Mozambique's District Health System to Improve Access …

The Government of Mozambique’s Acceleration plan decentralizes ART services to increase coverage to …

Linkage to HIV Care on Release from Incarceration: Data from the LINCS …

The goal of the study is to develop scalable metrics to assess quality of linkage for persons with …

HIV Prevention and Sex Work Decriminalization: Flawed Evidence and …

Our study is an interdisciplinary examination of evidence used to influence one key component of the …

Factors Influencing Loss to Follow-up (LTFU) of ART Clients at Kapata …

Zambia has adopted a policy of 90-90-90 for management of HIV infected individuals. Currently, …