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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Mortgage Journey: Ethnography's Contributions to Housing Research

This research focuses on lower-income first-time homebuyers and is Fannie Mae’s first ethnographic …

Preliminary Results: The Effect on Malaria Burden after a Change in …

The President's Malaria Initiative Africa Indoor Residual Spraying Project (PMI AIRS) presented …

A Study of Critical Access to HCBS in Minnesota

The presenters discussed the examination of Minnesota residents’ critical access to Home & …

Gaps Analysis Study & Critical Access Study: An Update

The presentation provides a review of Gaps Analysis vs. Critical Accesss; a quick update on current …

A Study of Critical Access to HCBS in Minnesota: Presentation of Work …

This presentation to the HCBS Partners Panel covers the preliminary analytic findings and work plan …

Putting the SEBTC Evidence in the Larger Research Context

Much recent work that find a large effects capture an short-run response. Do these effects persist …

How Do the Lessons of HIP and SEBTC Contribute to Our Knowledge About …

Can Form Improve Function? Considering How the Form of the Benefit May Affect Improvement in Diet …

Does Limiting Choice in Food Assistance Programs Affect Dietary …

Summer food assistance led to improvements in children’s dietary outcomes. Limiting food choice by …

Overview: Trends in Household Food Insecurity

Today’s Program: HIP, Summer EBT has the highest quality program evaluation. In addition: insights …

Communicating Changes in Resident Condition (Part of the AHRQ Safety …

The AHRQ Safety Program for Long-term Care: HAIs/CAUTI is a national quality improvement …