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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Dietary Intakes of Children Enrolled in US Early Child-Care Programs …

U.S. dietary quality has modestly improved over the past two decades, and preschool-aged children …

Association Between Staff Turnover and Nursing Home Quality – Evidence …

Staff turnover is considered an important indicator of nursing home quality. Abt Global used …

Foods Served in Child Care Programs Participating in the Child and …

Eating habits and preferences are formed early in life, making childhood a critical time to promote …

Family Development and Self-Sufficiency (FaDSS): Implementation …

Poverty and other chronic stresses can hinder the development and full use of the self-regulation …

How Can Mexico Engage Rural Stakeholders in the Fight Ag …

Santiago Enriquez
Santiago Enriquez
Climate Change and Environmental Specialist

Identifying Emergency Rental Assistance Challenges

With eviction moratoriums expiring and the cost of housing soaring, the failure to spend federal …

Satisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes Associated with a Large …

Behavioral health helplines help individuals who may not use other behavioral health services or who …

College Affordability Views and College Enrollment

Prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences’ National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), …

Climate Finance and Nature-based Solutions

02/09/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

LIFT: Implementation Findings from the Evaluation of Employment …

This report summarizes the design and implementation of LIFT, a coaching intervention operating in …