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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Exploring the Neighborhood‑Level Impact of Retail Marijuana Outlets on …

The legalization of marijuana for recreational use has gained traction – and garnered controversy – …

Qualitative Research on the Compass FSS Program

Abt conducted a series of qualitative studies examining different aspects of the nonprofit Compass …

Policy Briefs on HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program

These briefs explore the policy implications of Abt’s evaluations of Compass Working Capital’s …

Why Methane Needs to Be a Top Priority at #COP26

Joe Donahue
Joe Donahue
Principal Associate

APHSA/NAWRS Economic Mobility & Well-Being Conference …

08/22/2021 – 08/25/2021 CST

Justice40: Is Your Federal Program Ready?

The Biden administration has shown a strong commitment to advancing environmental justice and …

Providing Employment Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and …

Many communities face a crisis stemming from widespread substance misuse. In response, organizations …

Understanding Rapid Re-housing: What Did We Learn?

An overview of the Understanding Rapid Re-housing Study, this brief summarizes findings related to …

Hurricane Katrina’s Tech Lessons for the Current Crisis

Brian Sokol
Brian Sokol
Vice President, Digital Delivery