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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Providing Employment Services to the Long-Term Unemployed: …

The Ready to Work (RTW) Partnership Grant program, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) …

Impacts of Two Technology Interventions on Associate’s Degree …

The Robin Hood Foundation sponsored the College Success Prize competition in 2014 to encourage the …

2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Me …

10/24/2021 – 10/27/2021 MST

Breaking Cassandra’s Curse: Advancing Climate Legislatio …

Jonathan Dorn
Jonathan Dorn, Ph.D., MPP, PMP
Senior Associate, Abt Global

2021 National Council for Workforce Education Conference …

10/06/2021 – 10/07/2021 MST

DHIS2 Symposium 2021

09/28/2021 – 09/29/2021

Expanding Registered Apprenticeship: American Apprenticeship …

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) provided funding to 46 …

Supporting Aging in Place Through IWISH: Second Interim Report from …

This is the second of three reports on the evaluation of the Supportive Services Demonstration for …

Where Should the UK’s International Development Programm …

Sarah Dunn
Sarah Dunn
Managing Director, Abt Britain

The Global Methane Pledge: How Will We Measure Progress? …

Methane has become one of the hot topics in climate change circles and the attention is long …