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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Community Leaders as Change Agents for HIV Activities in Kalomo …

The Zambian government envisions active participation of rural communities in health interventions. …

The Cost and Impact of Giving Transportation Subsidies and Cash or …

Over 50,000 people actively on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in 2011, while about 50% of people …

Targeted Community-based Messaging in Urban and Peri-urban Luanshya …

COIHEP, a Zambian non-governmental organization, specializes in implementing behavior change and …

Putting the “Universal” into National Social Health Insurance in …

With Vietnam’s graduation to middle income status and the global economic crisis, donor funding for …

Reconceptualizing National HIV/AIDS Response in Nigeria: The System …

The Partnership for Transforming Health System II (PATHS2) is a 6-year DFID funded health system …

Where Will the Money Come From? Assessing Alternatives to HIV Donor …

Donor funding for HIV programs, many of which rely heavily on donor funding, has flattened out in …

The Future of Ryan White Services: A Snapshot of Outpatient Ambulatory …

This study assesses: the current status of Ryan White services during the early and later stages of …

Beyond Counting - Using HIV Surveillance Data to Monitor Linkage to …

This presentation aims to: Review data on HIV within correctional facilities Discuss linkage …

Evaluating the Costs and Efficiency of Integrating FP into HIV …

The presentation highlighted the PEPFAR FP/HIV Integration Task Force objectives, the integration …

Strengthening District Health System and HIV Service Delivery Outcomes …

The Government of Mozambique’s Acceleration plan decentralizes ART services to increase coverage to …